You're probably here, reading this, because you're curious about Wicca and what it is, and maybe even what it's like being Wiccan. My aim is to answer all the questions I can about Wicca. I want people to know that it's not evil and it's not Voodoo or Satanism or anything like that. Wicca is its own thing, and I want you to learn about it.
Everything on this blog will come directly from books or Wiccans (some people prefer the term "Witch." I may use it once in a while.) with years of experience, like a high priest/ess or someone who was raised Wiccan. Some of the authors that the things here will be drawn from are Silver Ravenwolf, Lady Sabrina, Arin Murphy-Hiscock, and Sirona Knight. I'll go over anything from Hedgecraft to Alexandrian to Eclectic, which is what I am. You'll also learn what certain symbols are and what they mean, how to cast a circle, how to bless and consecrate things, and I may even throw in some Palmistry and Tarot related stuff!
So yeah, there's no bull here.
If you don't know much about Wicca yet, don't worry. You'll learn what all of this is and what the words I've used here mean. You'll learn lots, and I hope you stay with me as I write this and learn more myself.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Fill out the "Contact Me" form to the right (It's under the "Followers" thing) and I'll reply as soon as I can! :)
Blessed be!
Also, all images and logos (i.e. the background, the banner, this signature image) are photoshopped by me with images assumed to be in the public domain.
If you have a request for a Photoshopped image, please use the "Contact Me" form to the right.
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